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About the Shendoah Civil War Associates



Past Programs

2002 Civil War Institute: The Crucible of War: 1862

2003 Civil War Institute: Prelude to Gettysburg

2004 Civil War Institute: On to Gettysburg

2005 Civil War Institute: Shenandoah in Flames

2006 Civil War Institute: Mayhem in the Mountains

2007 Civil War Institute: 1864 Overland Campaign

2008 Civil War Institute: The Final Campaign: The Road to Appomattox

2009 Civil War Institute: Richmond at War

2010 Civil War Institute: The Lincoln Assassination - Path of the Conspirators

2011 Civil War Institute: Jubal Early's 1864 Summer Campaign

2012 Lee's Retreat from Gettysburg

2013 Civil War Institute: Mosby's Confederacy

2014 Civil War Institute: Antietam: The Battle and Off the Beaten Path